A Pep Talk to Myself- and anyone else that needs it

Today, I need a pep talk. I’m tired and mostly unmotivated about getting things done that need to be accomplished. So, I’m writing myself a big-league pep talk, and you’re welcome to use it if you need to do so. I will warn you that I tend to be harder on myself than I would ever be on any of you, so take that into consideration and modify as needed.

You’re TIRED?! You’re tired? Well, sweetheart, let’s take a moment to think about why you’re feeling that way. Could it be because you’ve stayed up late every night mindlessly scrolling Pinterest instead of going to sleep at a decent hour? Could it be that you’ve allowed bits of refined sugar back into your diet here are there when you know it makes you feel awful? Could it be that you’ve lost sight of the fact that every day is a day to push to be better?

Yes. It’s probably all of those things. I get it. It feels great to lie in bed until 10 AM. Its fun to watch Dr. Phil for two hours while you drink coffee- instead of water which you actually need. But that’s not what you do. You stay on a schedule. You rest if you need to, but you don’t fail to start the day. You eat healthy food that fuels your body- not processed garbage because it feels good in that moment. You gave up those foods, and you’re glad- remember?

There’s no finish line to being the best you can be. There’s not a moment to let up. A number on a scale or any other goal achieved will never mean you’ve arrived. You were “good enough” when you started, but, honey, you’ve decided to be your best. Do you remember all you’ve been through? Do you remember the pain of missing out on life and not knowing where to turn? Do you remember feeling so lost and hopeless that you believed that every day would be that hard forever?

You’ve walked through flames- and you’ve smiled at the demons. You don’t get to lie down and wallow with Dr. Phil just because being your best feels hard. Tomorrow, you’re going back to your schedule. Heck, tonight, you’ll put your phone down and go to sleep at a decent time (or try). You’ll go to the gym. You’ll work on your next book’s outline. You WILL do these things, because doing your best is an everyday gig. You have goals- HUGE goals- and it’s time to get back to work.

And, girl, if you don’t do it- I’m sending you back down to the minor leagues.

Peace, love, and health, friends.

6 thoughts on “A Pep Talk to Myself- and anyone else that needs it

  1. Pingback: Midweek Magic – and some Inspiring Blogs for You! – PainPalsBlog

  2. Claire Saul (PainPalsBlog)

    What a great pep talk…..I need this regularly. In fact I think anyone living with chronic illness/disability would be lying if they didn’t have days when they feel like this…….I hope that you don’t mind but I have shared your link on my regular PainPalsBlog feature Midweek Magic – Inspiring Blogs for You, Claire x



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